Estimate my monthly benefit
Our estimator is designed to give you a fast and easy way to estimate your monthly benefit.
KCPERS is a tax-qualified “defined benefit” plan under Section 401(a) of the Internal Revenue Code. KCPERS is a type of pension plan in which an employer promises a monthly retirement benefit that is based on a predetermined formula.
One of the best things about a defined benefit plan like KCPERS is that the ups and downs of the market do not affect the benefit promised. Once retired, you’ll receive a steady monthly payment for your lifetime. Another advantage of the plan is that member contributions are tax-deferred. While you are working, your yearly retirement contribution lowers your taxable income.
Learn about what a defined benefit plan is and why it matters to you.
Our estimator is designed to give you a fast and easy way to estimate your monthly benefit.
FAQs, statutes, and full information regarding the KCPERS Police Retirement System plans.
FAQs, statutes, and full details about the Civilian Employees' Retirement System.
Tier I members include employees hired before August 28, 2013.
Tier II members include employees hired on or after August 28, 2013.
Any Tier I member who terminates their membership and later returns to membership on or after August 28, 2013 will become a Tier II member.
All members contribute a percentage of their base pay until they retire or have completed 32 years of creditable service (Law Enforcement Only).
Sworn member’s contribution rate is 11.55% of base pay.
Civilian member’s contribution rate is 5.0% of base pay.