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Cost of Living Adjustment: At the recent September 12th Board meeting, the Retirement Board made the decision to approve a 2.5% (COLA) for retired members.  


It's easy to forget the little things after retirement. But it's very important to keep current beneficiary designations on file with KCPERS. We are bound by law to provide any applicable benefits or payments to the beneficiary listed in your file should anything unfortunate occur. Review your beneficiary designations regularly to ensure the correct person is in line to receive benefits when the time comes. Contact us at (816) 482-8138 to determine eligibility of a surviving spouse.

If a Tier I member dies after commencement of pension benefits, and after August 28, 1999, the member’s eligible surviving spouse shall be paid a pension and/or special consultant supplement in an amount equal to 80% of the pension being received by the member, including cost of living adjustments, at the time of the member’s death. 

If there is no qualified surviving spouse, or if the surviving spouse dies, the pension to which the surviving spouse would be entitled shall be payable to the qualified child or children of the deceased member in equal shares.

If there is no surviving spouse or children qualified to receive a pension, the remainder of the accumulated contributions of the deceased member, and any prorated benefit for the month of the member’s death shall be paid to a named beneficiary.

For entitlement to benefits, the surviving spouse of a member who retired on or after August 28, 1997 must have been married to the member at the time of the member’s retirement and remain.  The surviving spouse of a member who retired prior to August 28, 1997, must have been married to the member for at least two years prior to the member’s retirement.

In all instances, an eligible surviving spouse must remain continuously married to the member until the time of the member's death. 

A surviving spouse applying for a pension must furnish a copy of their marriage certificate and the death certificate of the deceased member.  Children applying for a pension must furnish a copy of the death certificate and a copy of their birth certificate.

Any prorated benefit for the month of a surviving spouse’s death shall be paid to a named beneficiary.

When the surviving spouse or children receive Workers’ Compensation benefits on account of the death of a member in service, the amounts of any payments under this section may be subject to offset or reduction by amounts paid or payable under any Workers’ Compensation law.

If a Tier II member retired and did not elect an optional spousal annuity in lieu of a normal pension, the eligible surviving spouse shall receive a pension payable for life equaling 50% of the member’s benefit as of the member’s retirement date, plus cost of living adjustments.

An eligible surviving spouse is married to the member at the time of retirement and remains continuously married to the member until the time of the member's death.

If a Tier II member retired and elected an optional spousal annuity, the surviving spouse shall receive (depending on the member’s election) either the same amount as the member was receiving at the time of death or 75% of the amount the member was receiving at the time of death and will be paid such amount for the lifetime of such surviving spouse.

The benefit amounts calculated above are in addition to the Supplemental Retirement Benefit.

A member’s child or children under the age of 18, at the time of the member’s death, shall be paid $50.00 per month each.  Each child who is a full-time student may continue to receive payments until they reach the age of 21.  Any child who is physically or mentally incapacitated from earning wages shall be entitled to the same benefits as a child under the age of 18. 

If there is no qualified surviving spouse, or if the surviving spouse dies, the pension to which the surviving spouse would be entitled shall be payable to the qualified child or children of the deceased member in equal shares.

If there is no surviving spouse or children qualified to receive a pension, the remainder of the accumulated contributions of the deceased member, and any prorated benefit for the month of the member’s death shall be paid to a named beneficiary.

For entitlement to benefits, the surviving spouse of a member who retired on or after August 28, 1997 must have been married to the member at the time of the member’s retirement.

A surviving spouse applying for a pension must furnish a copy of their marriage certificate and the death certificate of the deceased member.  Children applying for a pension must furnish a copy of the death certificate and a copy of their birth certificate.

Any prorated benefit for the month of a surviving spouse’s death shall be paid to a named beneficiary.

When the surviving spouse or children receive Workers’ Compensation benefits on account of the death of a member in service, the amounts of any payments under this section may be subject to offset or reduction by amounts paid or payable under any Workers’ Compensation law.

If the member retired and did not elect an optional annuity in lieu of a normal pension, the surviving spouse shall receive a pension payable for life equaling 50% of the member’s normal retirement benefit as of the member’s actual retirement date plus cost of living adjustments.

If the member retired and elected an optional spousal annuity, the surviving spouse shall receive the same amount as the annuity being paid to the member and will be paid such amount for the lifetime of such surviving spouse.

When a surviving spouse receives Workers’ Compensation benefits on account of the death of a member in service, the amounts of any payments under this section may be subject to offset or reduction by amounts paid or payable under any Workers’ Compensation law.

Upon the death of a member, if there is no surviving spouse or if the total amount paid to the member and/or the member’s surviving spouse is less than the member’s accumulated contributions, an amount equal to the difference shall be paid to the member’s designated beneficiary or, if none, to the member’s estate.  A payment to a designated beneficiary shall constitute full and final payment of any and all claims for benefits from the Retirement System.

A surviving spouse shall not be entitled to benefits unless the spouse was married to the member at the time of retirement and remains continuously married to the member until the time of the member's death. 

A funeral benefit of $1000.00 will be payable to the person who paid for the service of a member. 

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